I AM not defeated…for I AM is within ME!
Author: Ellie Sharpe | Category: Uncategorized
Today is the 24th, the Biblical number of Royal Priesthood. We must remember something very important. WE are a part of the greatest ROYAL family ever!!! We are ONE with Christ. Why are people drawn to the Royal Family in England? It is because we are ROYAL!
Today, we must speak that I am NOT defeated, for the GREAT I AM is with me! But the enemy is a defeated foe. This means that he cannot do anything to God’s people without permission. Awful things happen, but they happen in part because we don’t have tools and weapons that are spiritual actively in use.
When the LORD says wait, it has so many meanings. It means we stand in FAITH expectantly, and trusting HIM. It also means we serve HIM with gladness. 🙂 When He does it through us, it is successful!!!! He never FAILS!
We have accountability. We are responsible for our choices, and in some cases lack of choices. Because God created us, in His image. This means we represent HIM. Today our daily prayer is that God will have HIS Glory shine on this earth. But, the thing about God’s Glory is this, when we are in SIN, and serving something other than God, it does not feel good. Glory rain can at first feel like acid rain. For example, many studies have been done about fibromyalgia. What has been found consistently is forgiveness therapy, teaching people to forgive themselves and others has been most effective of all treatments. God knows what we need for healing to be completed and sustained. We need HIM to be sovereign in ALL ways, and to live UNDEFEATED through HIM!
Daily we must come to the LORD, with a repentant heart, seeking HIS healing. Because when Christ was crucified, He took our sin. It was a clean slate, it was to be an example of death to self daily, it was to show us what must happen to be in union with God. There is always more FREEDOM that can come, because we were promised challenges here in this world.
God is NOT a God of condemnation. That is the enemies job. God is a God of correction. Looking around at the world right now, it seems so many are not open for correction from God. But, it is just how it seems, we must know that we know that we know, that God is working behind the scenes to undo the plans of the enemy.
Why did Moses not get to see the promised land? His PRIDE kept him out. Why do we let ourselves stay defeated, our PRIDE. Why do we push ourselves beyond our limits? Because of our PRIDE. Look back at the garden of the Eden. It became the garden of the enemy, it is why Adam and Eve got kicked out. God would not let anything that had been infected by the devil to stay.
How could He? In a world that was full of purity, goodness, and LOVE the SIN and darkness cannot exist. It was out of love that God made this decision. Because God loves humans so much! Any great parent has to discipline!!! This can be with a child, a pet, or even self.
This world says don’t spank, yet God says spare not the rod. When we spank it is not to hurt, it is to correct. God is clear on instruction, but this world has given so many bad choices that it is often tough to see the good. But, it is NOT impossible.
When sickness comes, start speaking the word of God. When you see your children you have been given act out, speak the word of God. Get into GOD habits! Choose not to be defeated, because if you don’t you will be. His word says His people perish for lack of knowledge and vision.
I have known amazing men and women of God who are so deeply wounded. I have been deeply wounded myself as well. But, GOD is a God of restoration, A God of success, A God of Healing. I am thankful that on the most challenging day, He is with me, with us.
We are NOT defeated. We are NOT alone. WE do not need to stay silent about the LOVE of God. We must share because it is our destiny. We will not get it perfect, and God has grace for that. But, as we obey HIM the LORD will perfect our ways and refine us. He will take the sharp edges and smooth them out.
I was watching “Thirteen Going on 30″ recently and it was close to the end where the main character says, ‘Let’s put LIFE back in the magazine!” It is my favorite part, because even though it looks like they lose, they actually win. This is so true with GOD, sometimes it looks like we have lost, but the word says our loss is HIS gain. His Glory is never wasted.
The one thing that we cannot choose to stay is defeated. Because if we do, then what God desires for us will NOT come to pass. Because He says, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” At first when we begin being obedient in a consistent manner, it feels like a sacrifice.
Many of us have been brought up to lay down the law. God gave us law to help us be contained. But, when Christ came and died for us, there was given the gift of grace. This is the place where we grow, and learn, and experience God’s Glory.
His Grace is sufficient, and we will NOT be defeated!
The GREAT I AM is and always will BE the ONLY one whose plans always succeed!!!
Father God, we ask today that you pour out more. You meet the needs of many, yet you desire to do so much more. Even though we live in a world scared of lack, we thank you for being a God who is UNDEFEATED. We praise you for bringing us VICTORY just because you LOVE us and we RECEIVE that LOVE! Thank you for turning it around and undoing the enemy’s plans.
In Jesus name and BLOOD ~
In His Grace,
24 May 2013