


This says it all

10 Jan 2013

Danger Conquered

Once recently we visited a church and the pastor talked abt the senses God gives us. He said the normal 5. We all know those. They are sight, hearing, feeling/touch, smell, and taste. Then, He included, balance and the ability to sense danger. This was new for us to hear in church. However, we have found it a great truth in our lives. Not to open the “New Age” can of worms.But personally these last two have become vital to us. They have created daily opportunities and necessities of relying on God.He has purpose in all things, even for danger.

As of late as He has moved us away to a new place, and started us over, it has not been easy, but it has been so full of God’s love. Think about the intensity of that for a moment. Felling God’s love and having it consume us more. This is the goal. it is a beautiful, amazing and at times excruciating place to be. His LOVE is a saving, and precious and a great gift. It was magnified and personified with the death of Christ in Calvary. It was a symbol of GOD’s infinite and unfailing LOVE. Now, as we have grown more intimate with GOD, there are so many signs of this. There have been times, in prayer for the body of Christ that we have just been entrenched in what God feels for HIS children. Oh how He loves us.

He loves us enough to teach us when things are coming against us, but also to never leave us or forsake us. This love abounds to show us danger on the horizon, and also blessings. But it also is important to know that He is bigger. and No weapon formed against US will prosper. He is not kidding around. Our family has faced much danger. All of it, holding God’s hand and clinging to HIM for everything, and with ALL that we had, and even didn’t have.

Many have said to us, “how can we give what we don’t have?” Our response, “we can’t but God can. There is such peace in the fact that when we are experiencing HIS LOVE, and embracing it, all the incredible gifts that come with it abound! Jesus redeemed us from the curses, so we must learn to WALK in that. This is often a moment to moment thing, asking GOD to take what is not necessary from us. Remembering, it all DIED on the cross, and the enemy only brings death, not life. Only GOD can do that. He is the life giver.

When we come to a place where we sense something unsafe or dangerous, we must know that GOD in us, around us, and through us at times, is so much more powerful. God’s power will never have anything that is more powerful than it. So many in the church as a whole believe the enemy has great power. But the truth is this, satan only has the power he is given. So, take it back. Start to say out loud, the way Jesus did, “get thee behind me satan.” Come against led by God, and with HIM doing the work, the evil that is trying to create havoc and delays. There is great FREEDOM and release in this. But, it is my no means always easy. It is however worth it to bless and glorify GOD! The enemy knows God’s power, and will back down, we have seen it. Power in the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, and in the presence of GOD!

We have encountered many people in churches who turn down many of GOD’s ways. Now this is not in any way, shape or form a judgement on them. Daily we are learning to let God lead, through HIS peace. This means when this happens, and it comes at us, we rejoice as Jesus did. We stay for the season’s He gives us, and pray that whatever plan or destiny has been given to us, will be fulfilled. We continue to pray as He leads, and sit back and watch GOD move. He is a resurrection God, when we do this, He brings back what needs to be, for HIS GLORY and through HIS love.


Once, a few years back, when we were really going through it, would say in some ways spiritually bleeding, and wounded, God called us to interact with some who were homeless. He had us go into what was considered a very “seedy” part of town in a very “dangerous way.” He set us up for success. My husband, who at times has struggled with boldness, was in complete faith and peace. It was late and we were at a gas station. It was really in some ways, the most terrified I have ever been. We literally saw evilly influenced people circling the car like prey. There were even bars on the windows. The car was unlocked, and our then friend with us said, ” do not make any sudden moves.” We didn’t just sat and prayed, and God’s protection became very REAL and obvious, and also DANGEROUS in a good way.

Suddenly, we began to understand why people sometimes seek thrills and excitement. Truly, the fact that we are alive to speak on this, is only due to our God’s infinite LOVE, Grace, Mercy, Peace, Hope, Joy and all that He is and brings. It was humbling, exhilarating  exhausting, thrilling, frightening and more. But, God. It had such purpose, and still does.

The core lesson learned was, when we STAND in GOD in peace, trusting He take over, HIS GLORY shines. We have been so blessed to experience this then, and since then many times. Am certain that God will continue to show up. No matter how many times the enemy tries to convince us otherwise. At our core is the FAITH that satan can wound and at times, make us feel like it is dead. But, God is still there, waiting for us to come back around, and take His hand. He came to set the captives free. This means FREE from everything that gets in the way of what He desires for HIS babies. Deep down inside, that is who we are.

So, we should on some level live dangerously. But, in a safe manner. 🙂 This means, we leave dealing with the danger to GOD, and do not move until He says to do so. I am convinced that if we had disobeyed in that place, and many others we would not be alive to share the stories and testimonies God has given us. So grateful that we are, and not one day goes by that we are not humbled in some way.

Yesterday was taking to a sister in Christ and the topic went to the wounded. We are ALL broken, and hurting, and when we come to the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth, He brings supernatural healing to those places. We must be aware that in that brokenness the enemy often attacks. It is for that reason that accountability is necessary. It is really difficult for us to learn how to hold someone accountable. Often, when we just don’t know what to do, we surrender it to God. Even before those times come we practice daily an attitude of surrender of our will. Because we have learned the hard way consequence of disobeying God and making danger our idol.

God is a jealous God. He will not put up with, for long having anything over HIM. He wants all of us 100%. In that conversation with the one God led to counsel me, I was very affected at first by what could be, what has been and also the possibility of what will be. God gives us glimpses, and that is it. Some are given more than others, because He works according to a measure of faith. We truly could not handle as humans seeing ALL of the GLORY of GOD at one time.

But, we are one body. Every single one of us has purpose, a BIG one, and must learn to work together in HIM. This also means we must at times learn to agree to disagree. This also means there are seasons too. I think because of our humanity it is natural for us to fear failing God. But, we have learned that is just not possible, in HIS eyes. He knows what is coming, how we will react and which person or people, places or things will be used in the process of the LIFE He has given us. Thank GOD for this!

In Hebrews God speaks of the RACE. There are many that we run in life, and some are quite daunting. But when we do so wrapped up in HIM, and in HIS peace, then there is VICTORY, that we have been promised that comes through. We win first PRIZE every single time in GOD’s eyes, and the scary stuff falls away.

Hebrews 12:1 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

Things that seemed so restricting and confining start to seem less so, because GOD’s LOVE as a weapon kills the parasitic evils, trying to take root. GLORY to GOD now and forever!!! Oh how He LOVES us! Image

In His Grace,


10 Jan 2013


Today is the 7th of the New Year. The number of completion. Just yesterday our daughter Sarah E was telling me that. She said, “Momma, I am now the number of completion!” One theme, if you will, that continues to come into our lives is to Celebrate each moment. Life is indeed full of good, bad and Ugly. It is the good, and the GOD in our lives who conquers the latter two. Our life will never be perfect, in the way the world sees that. But, we take great comfort in knowing that God sees us as different. He sees us as children, whom He loves, all of US, and He is perfecting our ways.

The last two weeks have been a celebration for us. We did not have the holiday we expected, but in some ways it was so much better. There were times that opposition came at us like a freight train, but GOD. I cannot tell you all how many times a day God heals us.  Sometimes what was stolen away, or given away gets resurrected with each breath. I have lost count so many times of the miracles and supernatural intervention. What I can say is GOD’s faithfulness and ability has no bounds.

Thank God He has given us safe boundaries, and wonderful seasons. There is not one day that goes by when we are not 100% grateful. Working for HIM is not easy, but neither is working for the enemy, or ourselves. Because really, that is the biggest tool against the plans God has. I have gotten in the way, so many times. A dear friend says, for God’s will, we must get out of the way. I personally could not agree more.

Today, someone posted a picture which I feel led to share. It is particularly true for us. But, the subject matter can be replaced with anything. It could be any disease, struggle, hurt, anguish or heartache. The day Jesus died on the cross in Calvary it was finished. This means that we CAN walk in FREEDOM. It is a gift, a treasure from the one who loves us most.

He knows our needs before we ever consider them. Oh my so grateful are we for this! Be it financial, emotional, physical, spiritual, or otherwise. The plan has been put in place for success. Let not the obvious “failures” move you. The success will cause them to fade in God’s time. Sharing some healing scriptures today.

No weapon formed against us shall prosper. His promises are true. His LOVE is PURE. Hang on help is not only on the way, it is here. Our prayer is that the BODY of Christ as a whole receive the healing, salvation and deliverance God has brought and in many cases is  instilling in us all. May all the blessings we receive multiply over for HIS glory. We thank you LORD.

There are many luxuries in LIFE that we have been given. May we never have one day that passes where we don’t celebrate the blessing of God’s love. Take a moment, breath it in, and CELEBRATE! He is so worthy and even the gates of HELL will not prevail regarding HIS perfect plan for ALL of us.

The prescription for healing is CELEBRATE!!!!

Kool and the Gang had it right!

“Celebrate good times
come on ! – Let’s celebrate

Celebrate good times
come on ! – Let’s celebrate

There’s a party going on right here
a celebration to last troughout the years.
So bring your good times and your laughter
we’re gonna celebrate your party with you !

Come on now


let’s all celebrate and have a good time

we go celebrate and have a good time.

It’s time to come together
it’s up to you
watch your pleasure

everyone around the world
come on

celebrate good times
come on
let’s celebrate! Repeat”

In His Grace,




http://www.earthworkshealth.com/human-use.php (this is a product we were recently led to. It is a tremendous help in the process of healing. )

07 Jan 2013

Words mean something

power of words

God has shown us that words have a rich complexity of meanings. It is important to research the cultural context in use at the time of the writing. Metaphor and analogy and parable are the most common form of communication in the Bible. Metaphors stretch words into new meanings. All these are very helpful.

Recently God started using my love of Boggle to show me that there is additional depth in the words in English. First He started splitting words up, then he started to cause me to think about the words in the spoken context and hear the words and similar words as being related.

A few of the first examples:

1- test-I-Mony is also three words:
– test: a trial, a quiz, something I won’t likely get an A on, maybe a C-
– I: personal, the test is personalized to me
– money: having gone through the test, the experience can help us and others in the future. For example who speaks at the how to quit smoking convention? The guy who quit smoking, not the non smoker or the still smoker.

2- test-I-m-on-y
– test: same trial
– I am: is the name for God
– on why: go ahead and ask Him about why you had this test. But I have found the most important aspect is how ache will get glory. How can I be used with this new experience to help others? What can I walk away from and through in my own life?

3- el s-ha-Dai
– else: otherwise
– ya: you
– die: die. Believe in el shaddai or else you die.
Seems like a pretty big warning

4- is-ra-el
– is: an eternal question
– ra: amen ra the Egyptian god symbolizing pagan religions
– el: short for el shaddai or God the Father
So the term Israel is both the name of the Jewish nation and the composite of three words asking the question is ra equal to el? The exodus story shows this battle clearly. So does kings et al. The story of the kings at a high level is good king worships El, israel blessed. Bad king worships Ra or Baal, Israel is cursed. So basically the entire bible can be called israel.

I see these breakdowns all over. Will add more over time. Let me know if you see words in similar ways. I’d love to look at the word studies He is giving you.

In His Grace,


07 Jan 2013

New Life

Wow! That is the only word that can describe the past few days of 2013. In great and mighty ways and in ways that appear to be devastating. Was praying about how often to blog and got a maximum of 1-3 times a week. I told someone yesterday it was 1. But, afterwards realized that was probably a tad over cautious, and bordering fearful. So, here I am again this week, second time around.

This is a season of New Life. For those who have gone through and gone through and gone through. Be prepared because huge miraculous and supernatural blessings are coming. They are on the horizon. Now, here is why we must be prepared, because some will look unnatural to us. The word of God alludes to this. ” And the angel of the LORD appeared to him (Moses) in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. So Moses said, “I must turn aside now, and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up.” (Exodus 2:2-3)

Don’t know about you all but to my naked eye, that would be a bit ODD. It would also be GLORIOUS, but we have been trained to see it as weird. Things that are “weird”, are not always bad. Here is an example, Sarah Elizabeth and my husband David went through cancer treatment the firs time around. It was very weird, but GOD used it. Now, they both are walking in divine health. they both said no to the evil that was bringing it on. In fact, we all did, and do daily. To some that may seem weird, but it works.

Yesterday we were so honored to go see a movie together. I say we were “honored” because we used to be able to go anytime, now it is a huge deal. We saw the Disney movie Monsters Inc. in 3D. Now, this movie has a lot of themes, but my favorite one hands down is New Life. At the end of the movie, it is discovered that laughter is 10 times more powerful than screams. This means JOY is more powerful than sorrow. New Life, a company that died, was reborn.

God does this for us daily. We are in transition in many areas of our life. Every time we turn around, it seems another blow comes. But, God. No matter the blow, we rejoice. Because whatever is stolen will be returned. Not always in the way we expect, but always in a way filled with infinite LOVE. So, for all those really battling whatever it is in your life. Know that HIS new life that died on a cross and was reborn will bring them to an end. Hang on, help is here and working behind the scenes.  We are not alone. The war is won.

After all, as I was reminded yesterday by my spouse, God is the director, and we are in HIS movie. No matter what people believe and who we come in contact with, we have seen this truth played out. He is 100% sovereign. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens without HIS knowledge. There is such comfort in that. Oh, how he loves us, no matter how it seems.

So, put on your armor daily and do as He guides, He will not fail. He will NOT fail. He will not FAIL.

In His grace ~Image


05 Jan 2013

The Beginning

Well everyone, today is day 3, in year 2013. That is divine completeness and perfection, according to the word of God. I kind of feel like Julie did in a movie I watched abt Julia Child. Beginnings are new, and in some cases ODD, but what isn’t that these days? She wondered as I do in my humanity, will anyone read what I write?

First off, this is NOT a place to just get stuff off my chest. The things we have been through have a message at the core. Nothing can destroy you by staying surrendered to God. He won’t let it. The fact is, we cannot fix anything or do anything or be anything without His guidance, that is sustained and worthy. So, here I and my husband on occasion will share what God reveals to us. You may even get some insights that God gives our children. The picture posted is our daughter Sarah Elizabeth who was healed of cancer in 2009.

This is a great time of REDEMPTION, hence the name given, and God needs usImage not just wants us to sharpen our spiritual muscles. He is the sharpest tool ever, we will never become or be HIM, however He can unite with us, and bring to pass amazing miraculous healing, deliverance and JOY in the process.

So, today we begin, on the edge of many cliffs. Leaping into the arms of the only one who truly loves us. He saved our family from the biggest demon of ALL which is SELF. You may think that evil is not real but the fact is, IF you think that and are walking with GOD, you will likely find out the hard way very much is real, however it is NOT and will never be more powerful than the word of GOD, HIS love for us, or the GRACE, MERCY, PEACE, HOPE and JOY that God brings.

Sit back, buckle your seatbelt. This life can be a bumpy ride. But God will catch you when you fall, if you let HIM. There will be sunshine, rain, clouds, storms, and many more natural and supernatural disasters, but He is with us in the middle of every storm. Just as Daniel was unscathed in the lion’s den. Spirits are not people, they USE people and anyone can fall prey but God.

The good news is once JESUS died we were set free, and that fact cannot be changed. As many have said that are much more experienced than us, FREEDOM must be fought for! Now is not the time to lay down and take it. God built our country on great morals and values, and whether it stands on them or not, He still does. Hang in there, stay encouraged, and let HIM love you.

In His Grace,


03 Jan 2013

We are Redeemed

We are Redeemed

03 Jan 2013

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