‘It’s a Hard Knock Life for US”

This morning as I woke God reminded me of something. It was a loving reminder, and an important one. It may appear harder at times, but remember I have already won. This is what we must stand on. We must receive the spirit of adoption. Whether we choose or are led to actually adopt a child, we must grasp that we are adopted by GOD.

The LORD adopts us into HIS family. Have you accepted HIM, or rejected HIM? Is He the center of your LIFE, or just the movie you see once in a while? There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. My heart is never to condemn a person. In fact, I can say the heart of our family as a whole is to encourage people. 


I pray daily for GOD to move in me and us, for HIS GLORY and purpose. Because He has desires that are so much stronger than ours. It is really about that consistent  and constant surrender. Because God gives us clear instructions, that are simple at the core. 

What it comes down to is 3 things. Do we believe God will DO as He said He would? Do we will believe He will do it for and through us? Do we believe that as long as we stay surrendered in HIM with repentant hearts, we cannot mess it up? 

I think of the movie Annie and how she was adopted. I used to watch that with Sarah Elizabeth and the get -a – long Gang. Oh how I adore all of the children of our awesome GOD. I remember sharing with them that GOD loves us like that, and that He adopts us into HIS family. WE just have to say yes. 


See the enemy has a job to do. The job of the devil is to try and steal, kill, and destroy. Notice the word TRY in the last sentence. The LORD says in his word abt the enemy, “he comes to steal, kill and destroy.” Do u notice there are 3 agendas? Because GOD comes to HEAL, DELIVER and SAVE.

Don’t know about you, but I would much rather have the latter 😉

Life is not meant to be easy. People have to understand this. It is not meant to be 100% FUN all the time. There are spirit of amusement and distraction. We have to come against those. God commanded us to bind and loose. He said whatever is bound on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever is loosed on earth will be loosed in Heaven. If we are avoiding dealing with the evil in the world, we are basically sitting ducks. 

I am so grateful that Sarah Elizabeth knows and lives the truth. She is such a star for the LORD. I love how He guards her and protects her. How she is really not concerned about being liked, she just wants to LOVE. Yesterday, a little girl in our neighborhood was indirectly mean to her. I was very upset, at first. I remembered my own wounds of rejection as a child, how people would say they were not my friend, and were embarrassed to wave at me. 


But GOD, He uses everything and excuses nothing. I asked the LORD to keep moving in her heart and the heart of ALL HIS children, in that way. Because there was a time where she did notice, and now even if she does, she releases it to GOD. Just like a balloon that you let go of, and it floats up to the sky, “To Heaven” our pain, hurt, and sin must be released too. 

Our life is gonna throw us some hard knocks at times, but here is the good news. WE will NEVER fall so far down that GOD cannot pick us up!

When the signs and wonders follow, the best way to discern and to see if they are of GOD is this, look at the fruit. As a child I had GOD leading and guiding. But I was always feeling unloved, unappreciated, devalued. I really lived my LIFE until prob abt 30, seeing myself as a mark down that was discounted because no one wanted me. 


It was not until Sarah Elizabeth went through the battle of her lifetime, that this changed. It is funny that this what it took, for me to really experience God’s LOVE. Because just 2 years before, my husband went through a similar battle. Yet, that did not soften my heart of change the bitterness I had. It began to, but I was so deeply wounded, I could not see the forest for the trees. 

I made some desperate and UnGODLY choices at the time. Because all I could see was what was sin in front of me, and what was there was DEATH. It was nasty and I just wanted to be FREE of it, because honestly it had been chasing me ALL my life, and my husband too. My husband made some really bad choices too, we were so misguided and misdirected, but GOD. He came and found us. He seeks the LEAST the LAST and the LOST. 


I am no longer ashamed of the choices I made. I have sought GOD, repented and received forgiveness. I see now that even those negatives had a point, for GOD to turn them into positives. In a perfect world no one would suffer and there would be no sin. But we do not live in a “perfect world.” We live in what looks like a dying world, where people have to decide if they will let GOD resurrect them or get destroyed. 

A dear precious sister that I have known for ages messaged me yesterday. Immediately I went into prayer, to see if I was supposed to call her. When I did I was so amazed by God. This sounds so strange, but what she is going through is going to help so many. I am excited for her! My initial reaction was, “I so we wish we all did not have to go through this stuff.” But then, I got away from that, said I was sorry to GOD, and repented for just seeing the pain and suffering. If there was no TEST how we would we have a testimony in HIS GLORY? 


I remember years ago, I was in prayer with a prayer partner and GOD showed me something. As I cried out to HIM asking, “What is it gonna take???” What I received as an answer was this. “It will take whatever it takes.”  In scripture it says the LORD works according to a measure of FAITH. He says if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains in HIM. 

So will you let LIFE knock the LIFE out of you, and the enemy reign? OR, will you choose GOD to resurrect you and bring NEW LIFE? The choice is always ours. It’s a hard knock life for us for sure, but GOD. 

This Lyric came into my spirit, 

“I get knocked down But I get up again You’re never going to keep me down”

God does not get knocked down, and we as HIS children may temporarily, but HE will always extend a hand to pull us UP! When He does, and we repent, and seek HIS FACE, we will be purified and see HIS GLORY!

These pictures represent many different scenes. But they are all aspects of HIS GLORY! It still stands, no matter what. He will bring you beauty for ashes. ~

In His Grace,



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