God’s Grace Faces

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Hello everyone. A few years ago, in fact almost eight to be exact, God started us in ministry. He gave us many platforms, and for a few years, Gifts of the Spirit ministry was growing it seemed. But, then some things happened, and it all sort of fell apart and appeared to have died. So, now we believe God is resurrecting it!

Now we are the God’s Grace Faces and it is so named for this reason; JESUS lives in us, and WE are HIS face. We, as in all of HIS children are truly the FACES of GOD. His Graces Faces us daily. We must choose to receive the Grace of God. We must understand it is NOT put in place for us to sin, but to learn not to and grow more intimate with HIM. To clarify, this Jesus we speak of is Christ of Nazareth. In the times in which we live many speak of JESUS. But, not all of those who speak HIS name serve HIM and receive HIS LOVE.

So, we invite you to pray God’s will for this as He moves in us and around us to minister to the least, last and lost. It is an honor and privilege to work for and with GOD. There is no one better or greater to have as a BOSS!

Come join in and be united in HIS Family of GRACE. ~

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