Bathing in the FIRE
Somedays, can’t even recall the date, or day. And thank GOD, it does not matter. The things that mattered before, both do and just DON’T, in the same way. I LOVE baths. Do you??? They have always been a time of reflection, healing, and REST, in my life. As a kid, they were also a place of GREAT JOY!!!!!
Now, I can’t handle them, in the same way. I cannot stay for HOURS in the water, because, I am at times, painfully just aware of the effect, on my physical body. And, there was a time, I would have thought, I had failed. But, NOW I understand, THAT being “sick” as this world calls it, is okay. Let me be clear, I am not saying I believe that Bad, has taken roots. But, I finally recognize, that being different, is not a terrible thing. AND, that suffering is NOT, nor will ever be a life sentence prison, in the way it WAS before.
Because, now LOVE is what leads me. I think it always was, in a sense. BUT, it was clouded by pain. AND how, HIS Love just remains everywhere is mind boggling. THAT I get to participate, is as well. I have gone through seasons of great trial, torment and at times, it feels and has felt, like just torture. BUT, the one thing that remains is LOVE. His name, Jesus.
I thought this entry was going to be about a film, I just saw. And it IS, in a way. 😉 On the 11th, I saw the movie, “The Shack.” I will likely be referring to this film, a great deal. I began to read the book years ago, but I never finished it, all the way through. The movie, was and IS such a gift from Heaven.
It will take a few entrys to complete what has been shared, about this amazing piece of just Heaven given LOVE. But, let’s start with THIS part. “Religion is to much work. I don’t want slaves, I want friends.” That is a quote from the film. It truly touched ME to the core.
I encourage YOU, to take a moment, and see it. Very worth your time. Will write more soon. 🙂