This title, just has so much in it. First off, the enemy, as we know can come in like a flood. It can just feel like a storm of chaos at times. I think WE all can agree on that. But, HERE is the best part about God. HIS power, for the purpose of GOOD, puts satan’s attempts to flight. The fact is, that most of us were simply taught a lot of error. Not going to blame anyone. It is just true.
We need to KNOW, not just believe God will fight for us. In the movie “Hitch” the main character talks about LOVE. The way He speaks of it, is mostly how the world defines it. There is a scene where He points to HIS gut. He says, “I feel it down deep, like in THIS area.” Do we digest God’s LOVE? I mean, DO WE? Because, it would be wonderful to say that, each time we get hugs and kisses, we thank God. I can’t say that I always have. In fact, to be really transparent, I RAN AWAY from the LOVE of GOD, for years.
It is so funny, how God works. He knows EXACTLY what WE need and when WE need it. I started this blog article, by His Grace, days ago. I had a plan to come back and finish that day. BUT GOD. You see, HE has NO limitations. WE as HIS kids, have NO LIMITS through HIM, and HIS LOVE. He reminded me, again, as He does daily, that I, nor anyone else, can MESS up HIS plans. Isn’t that incredible to know? That, as WE stay repentant before GOD and in full surrender to HIS will, HEavEN will eventually arrive. WHAT A PROMISE!!!!!
Every day, ever since I can remember, I have been JUst consumed by the LOVe of God. Let me be VERY clear, this does not mean it felt good. There were times that because of this consumption, I was pulled into VERY dark places. Even at that time, He was using me to plant seeds of HIS LOVE, and to rescue. I don’t think I was aware of that then. Looking back on my past, from HIS perspective, and seeing it ALL had purpose, only recently has comforted me.
God’s LOVE is like a tornado, an earth quake, a volcano erupting, a tsunami, a hurricane, a plane crash, a car crash, and everything else that the world considers a disaster. I have NEVER experienced it, to the degree, that I and WE, did in 2013. It was the day, that it felt like the MUSIC died in our lives. I had a vision, and in the vision, I saw a HUGE tornado. I was standing outside the tornado, and I was watching. I remember seeing a vision of all those who had been considered enemies, and the plans they had to destroy. Again, but God. Then, I saw a vision of the Lion of Judah, a Holy Rainbow Flame representing Holy Spirit and the Incredibly bright light, to represent the Heavenly Father. I saw our family in a gold circle. Later, that circle, would turn to fire. I will never forget what was said to me. The LORD spoke and said, “No matter what THIS LOOKS like I WIN.”
Lots of people say that they follow God. But, Jesus commands us to TEST the spirits. Another way of saying this, is to look at the fruit. The vision I had reminded me, that my JOB is to LOVE. To always forgive, especially when undeserved, and to KEEP speaking blessings and JOY upon every one WE come in contact with. Even if, those people are sent on assignment for evil, God can move. HIS hand is NOT too short. It NEVER will be.
Many of YOU, may be standing outside watching the twister, like I was. But, I say this to you about the LOVE of God. It will pull you INTO the storm. You know why??? Because inside the STORMS, is where HIS rescue takes place. FOLLOW the PEACE of JESUS. It is NOT like any other that exists. It is HIS PEACE that anchors us to HIS desires. It TRULY surpasses ALL other understanding. It was and IS His peace that carries us. It causes us to reach up and out every day to God, and THROUGH HIM.
Lord, we repent for things known and unknown. We thank YOU for the storms in our lives. YOU Jesus, are so faithful!!!!! Help us, to receive MORE of Heaven. To be not religious, or forceful and fearful. Help us to EMBRACE your LOVE. To the VERY fullest, make us to overflow LORD JESUS. In Your Holy name, and blood. The name of Jesus REIGNS supreme. AMEN
The day I mentioned, the one where the music seemed to die, was the day our youngest daughter went HOME to be with Jesus. WE will always be her parents. I told my husband that, just the other day. But, WE are still here, and WE, through the power of GOD, must move forward. HIS LOVE wins every battle set before us. Because of what JESUS endured on a cross, in Calvary, WE can CHOOSE HOLY FREEDOM.
It is time, to NOT be afraid of HIS LOVE in you anymore. It is TIME to not be afraid of HIs LOVE, in HIS babies anymore. RECEIVE it! Yes sometimes, just to be real with you, it WILL hurt like HELL. But, JESUS has made promises, and HE will KEEP them. WE will see them, sooner than we thought. HE IS FAITHFUL. Through the STORMS, HIS LOVE will RAIN. He is Sovereign, and I thank GOD for HIS REIGN in our lives.
In His Grace and GLORY,
E and Fam