This morning is about Redemption. God has redeemed us, yet so many continue to reject HIM. We were redeemed when Christ died on the cross in Calvary. “Jesus took it all, and all to HIM we own, sin had left a crimson stain, he washed it white as snow.” Like the beautiful song says, and it is so spot on, He cleans us.

This means, once we receive redemption, we are clean, does not mean we don’t have to address old stuff, or even that we should not do it daily, because we should in HIM. There are many forms of “Egypt”. It simply is a place of  chaos, a place of hard core attack, what has to be addressed. In our life we have had many Egypts, but thank GOD He has also given many Exoduses.

Even in the Promised Land, there were and will be Giants. They were in Egypt, but appeared smaller. In the Promised Land, what needs to be pointed out is HIS promises are fulfilled. It is not a place without challenges, it is a place or in some cases a mind set on GOD that defeats them. For He makes us more than conquerors. God can use anyone for HIS GLORY!!!

GOD is causing the GIANTS to FALL! He alone is undoing the enemy’s plans!!!!



This article points out that WE can get in the way of the plans that GOD has. The most important person to surrender is our SELF. This has been discussed before on our blog, but it has to be revisited. Because even if we are interceding for another, we can be affected and feel each others pain. But what God revealed recently is it is the wounds on the soul that are the culprit. They are what causes us to be so effected by another’s pain that we partake of it, and if their pain is happening from rebellion, we have chosen that.


A glimpse into the PROMISED LAND!

So, here is an example, we can intercede for someone and God show us whom we are doing so for; and then, once we get that revelation, it should cease. When it does not cease, there are similar wounds on our soul, as the person we are praying for. The demons, “Giants” guard the doors.



This is huge, they can bark and brawl and threaten us, but when our soul is transformed through God’s LOVE and HIS word, we won’t be moved. Remember FREE will, well this is the point. WE have to choose which side we are on! Someone told me the LIONS and TIGERS have rubber teeth. Now I know what that means.

David beat Goliath through GOD. So in effect, it was the LORD alone who won the battle. Sometimes we can sense some thing “wrong or off.” yesterday this happened to us, the enemy won’t stop trying, and barriers will sometimes be penetrated, but GOD. he is faithful, and He alone will protect HIS children.

This is such great news. Do you know what this means, it means that the more we surrender to HIM the more PEACE we receive and the MORE GIANTS FALL!

Hallelujah!!!! Somebody needs to give GOD some praise for this! We are for sure, because GOD is showing up and showing OUT. LORD let your GLORY rain down and we will see the GIANTS fall just as David did!

the same GOD who conquered the GRAVE lives in ME and YOU. This will be a GLORIOUS season indeed!!!!

One more thing, because it is pertinent to this post…This came from my beautiful sister Robin Carpenter Mabry. 🙂 God in her is strong!!!!

“Have you ever asked God, “When is my ship going to come in? When will I see all your promises come to pass in my life?”… I could play the victim for all the pain and destruction generational sin and satan has caused in my life. I was born out of wedlock, my mother did the best she could do, sexually abused from the age of 3-11 years old, raised in a very dysfunctional home, had two abortions before the age of 18, physically and verbally abused, drug addiction, survival sex to have a roof over my head, married at 21 divorced at 25, lost custody of my oldest child, but God said “You are an overcomer”… I gave my life to Jesus in 1999 and surrender to him in 2007, I married Jon in 1999 and the devil has come at us with all he has, but Jesus has been our steady Rock. My first part of my life was sheer hell, no one knows unless they have lived it. But I vowed all that junk would end with me and it wouldn’t be passed onto the generations coming behind me. My family leaves in two days on our first family mission trip with Jesus to Matamoros Mexco! God came and spoke Duet. Chapters 8,9,10 to me last night.. See, I know where God’s brought my family and me from. He alone gets the glory! As for me and my family we shall serve The Living God and him alone. “Our ship has come in and we have overcome and we are about to enter our promise land! It’s the same with many of you, God says “You have overcome and you are about to enter your promise land!”… We are overcomer’s in Christ Jesus!!”

The GIANTS are coming DOWN!!!! They say FE FIE FOE FUM and GOD has one word for them ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In His Grace and GLORY,


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