Today when I woke up, I was feeling really discouraged. I was aching, both physically and in my heart. All I could think about was the cross. Specifically, the crucifixion was on my mind. Thinking about all the pain and agony, and anguish that Christ endured all morning long. It really should change our perspective. But does it? That image alone should CUT us to the core. It should, if nothing else, bring tears to our EYES.
People said that the things JESUS did were impossible, but they were NOT impossible once the imps (evil ones) were removed. He never gave way to evil, I mean NEVER. Let’s think about that for a moment. I try and remember to ask GOD daily to fill me up, and cause me not to give way to evil, but I still fall, over and over in my eyes. Yet, in HIS eyes I am just a child learning and growing. You are too, which is important to remember. 😉
It is CHRIST who gives us strength, for HE does ALL things well! ~
I personally, still have battles with doubts, and questions of who I am, and who, most importantly, HE wants me to be. Do I make a difference, do people hear GOD through me? At my core, I know I am LOVED, and blessed and treasured, but something always opposes that mindset. That something is what makes things seem IMPOSSIBLE. Well, temporarily. 🙂
I was led to do some research on what IMP means and found it fascinating. here is a link that caught my attention.
The thing that intrigues me is the synonyms that it lists.
The number one synonym is the name of the enemy of God. That cannot be a coincidence.
Was reading a book today claiming it was about God, and was shocked how casually people use God. It should not be us using HIM, but He using us. We are the warriors He uses, we should not be trying to create fate, we should simply observe it, be grateful and choose to continue on in Faith.
The book seemed more new age, more than anything. My husband had gotten it for me to read. As I perused it, was astounded by how many examples given, could have been God, but might have been something else. We must learn to TEST whether it is GOD or not. The word of God says to test the spirits. Because if we don’t do that, then we begin to call good evil, and evil good, and THAT is just plain dangerous.
God will USE everything and EXCUSE nothing. In the movie, the Never Ending Story there is wisdom, which is, we become what we believe we are. This boy saw himself as weak, and as He was led on an adventure, He became stronger, and PART of the story itself. Though there are a lot of oddities in the story, it is NOT impossible for us to become what we are around.
So, what IS impossible? Miracles, are they impossible? Resurrection, is that impossible? Birth without physical contact, is that impossible? The word that has been washing over me today, is this, “What is IMPOSSIBLE with man, is POSSIBLE with God.” But, if we never ask for change to come, it may never appear.
I know people who are desperately searching. Some are searching for jobs, some are searching for mates, some for children, some for freedom, and some for just more. The only common denominator that will show us the way is LOVE. Who created love? Was it the devil? Nope, it was GOD. Yet, we run from HIM and convince ourselves that it will never get better. Or, that we just have to settle for how things are.
This is our FAMILY Life verse. We choose this day, to remember the CROSS and the resurrection and be grateful, for what is to come because of this ultimate sacrifice. ~
Come on now, no matter what happens, it WILL get better. I am speaking to myself here too, cause we are going through some challenges that many don’t know about. Overall we are very transparent people, and most we meet either love that or hate it. But, for better or for worse, it is just who we are, and how God made us. But, there are some things we have learned not to speak about as much, because doing so often creates confusion. We have learned to wait on GOD to reveal what needs to be, in HIS time. If confusion comes after it is revealed, it is HIS job to handle that, thankfully not ours.
Somehow we have to believe that GOD is going to DO the impossible. Because we deserve it? No, that is not why. Because we want it and need it? No, that is NOT why either. Simply, because HE loves us, and regardless of what comes that is the ONE thing that will NEVER ever change.
God’s LOVE seems impossible, but it isn’t. So today, challenge yourself to what LOOKS impossible in your life. Is it a healing that needs to happen? Or perhaps a marriage needing resurrection? A child or children learning to Obey? A deep desire or dream that needs to come to life again?
We know when God winks at us, by the peace that comes when it happens. It is always about HIM, and never about us. For example, I felt a nudge to write today, and I ignored it for a while, but it just kept returning, like a loving HUG. whether anyone ever responds, or gets anything out of what God reveals to us, this is a way of serving HIM. It is being obedient to what He calls us to do,and at times not to do.
While sitting here, I heard a song on the radio, I have not heard in ages. In fact, not since we moved here. This is the song, that some of you may know or recall.
“Holy is the Lord”
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing
Everyone sing
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory
It’s rising up all around
It’s the anthem of the Lord’s renown
And together we sing,
Everyone sing
Holy, Holy, is the Lord Almighty
Holy, Holy
[Repeat 2x]
My husband and I have been partners with a car company on and off for a while, and recently we once again walked away from it. It had been a huge investment, in time and finances. When I heard this song, I was reminded that the man who wrote it bought a car from the company when it first began. It gave me hope that God will bring fruit from the seeds planted. It also reminded me that it is about HIM and HIS timing, not us and ours.
It was impossible for Sarah Elizabeth to be healed of cancer, but she was. It was impossible to start a restaurant, but we did. It was impossible, to move away in 3 days, but it happened. It was impossible for my husband David to be healed of cancer and transformed, but he is. It was impossible for our cat to live, but she did. It was impossible for dad to survive, but he did. What is IMPOSSIBLE with man is ABSOLUTELY possible with GOD!
NOTHING and HE means NOTHING is impossible with HIM!!!! ~
So, do the impossible, and TRUST (Take Ravaging Up Say Thanks) God, and work with HIM, and learn HIS ways. You won’t regret it, and ultimately the GOOD will FAR out way the challenges. Not to mention, what happened to JESUS at the cross, makes our lives look like a cake walk. God NEVER condemns, never. He only affirms and chastens. Never lose sight of the LOVE that was given for you and me.
In His Grace,
the second definition of imp is a mischievous child works too. when we think that things are impossible, we are thinking like a child not a mature Christian.