New Life

Wow! That is the only word that can describe the past few days of 2013. In great and mighty ways and in ways that appear to be devastating. Was praying about how often to blog and got a maximum of 1-3 times a week. I told someone yesterday it was 1. But, afterwards realized that was probably a tad over cautious, and bordering fearful. So, here I am again this week, second time around.

This is a season of New Life. For those who have gone through and gone through and gone through. Be prepared because huge miraculous and supernatural blessings are coming. They are on the horizon. Now, here is why we must be prepared, because some will look unnatural to us. The word of God alludes to this. ” And the angel of the LORD appeared to him (Moses) in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. So Moses said, “I must turn aside now, and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up.” (Exodus 2:2-3)

Don’t know about you all but to my naked eye, that would be a bit ODD. It would also be GLORIOUS, but we have been trained to see it as weird. Things that are “weird”, are not always bad. Here is an example, Sarah Elizabeth and my husband David went through cancer treatment the firs time around. It was very weird, but GOD used it. Now, they both are walking in divine health. they both said no to the evil that was bringing it on. In fact, we all did, and do daily. To some that may seem weird, but it works.

Yesterday we were so honored to go see a movie together. I say we were “honored” because we used to be able to go anytime, now it is a huge deal. We saw the Disney movie Monsters Inc. in 3D. Now, this movie has a lot of themes, but my favorite one hands down is New Life. At the end of the movie, it is discovered that laughter is 10 times more powerful than screams. This means JOY is more powerful than sorrow. New Life, a company that died, was reborn.

God does this for us daily. We are in transition in many areas of our life. Every time we turn around, it seems another blow comes. But, God. No matter the blow, we rejoice. Because whatever is stolen will be returned. Not always in the way we expect, but always in a way filled with infinite LOVE. So, for all those really battling whatever it is in your life. Know that HIS new life that died on a cross and was reborn will bring them to an end. Hang on, help is here and working behind the scenes.  We are not alone. The war is won.

After all, as I was reminded yesterday by my spouse, God is the director, and we are in HIS movie. No matter what people believe and who we come in contact with, we have seen this truth played out. He is 100% sovereign. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens without HIS knowledge. There is such comfort in that. Oh, how he loves us, no matter how it seems.

So, put on your armor daily and do as He guides, He will not fail. He will NOT fail. He will not FAIL.

In His grace ~Image


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