The Greatest TIME traveler
Years ago in 2009, the year Sarah was diagnosed, my husband and I went out to a movie. I was so intrigued by it. The movie, “The time traveler’s wife.” I often get flack, for my LOVE of films. But, here is the reason I do. It reminds me of Home. I see glimmers, and redemption, and remnants of Heaven. Is it through my eyes? Well, no it actually is not. It is THROUGH the eyes of Jesus. Did I know that then? Well, not like now, but somewhere I knew. I came into this world. awoken to Heaven. But, events that took place here, caused me to “travel in time” into darkness.
As a kid, I was ALL about feelings. I mean, they were ALL over the place. They are something that every day, must be surrendered to God. He gifted us the ability to have emotions. Yet, He wants us to not allow those emotions to HAVE us. They cannot and SHOULD not control us, manipulate us, or become OUR God. Only ONE deserves that title and HIS name is JESUS! He is united with the Heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit. The 3 in one, full of GLORY and directors, writers and producers of our story.
As a child, I had a babysitter, that most would probably see like a nanny. She was NOT live in. But, she was there a lot. Her name, Robbie Shadoen. I adored her. I mean, when I think about her now, I still smile. I was in preschool, and my parents had her keeping me for a few hours, until they came home. I remember vividly that she watched “stories” and that she loved asparagus soup. I also believe she loved the Lord. Such a precious soul. She was a gift to me. She let me be a kid, without much restriction. She was a portion of Jesus in my life.
For, WE must remember that HIS LOVE surpasses ALL space and time. His LOVE heals, conquers, delivers, FREES us, and LEADS us out the darkness and into the light. Out of the FRYING pan and into the FIRE of HIS LOVE, should be our hope. Our dreams should match His dreams. At least, in time, we should be gradually surrendering MORE and MORE until WE are fully emptied of any complexities of the past.
Back to the movie I mentioned. “The TIME Traveler’s Wife.” I have seen this movie LOTS of times. Every time I see it again, God reveals something new and amazing. The last time I watched, I saw the child, who grows from a seedling child to an adult. He was singing a song. It was something joyful. He did NOT care how he sounded. Then, ALL the sudden, the car crashed. But GOD. In relation to our LIFE, I was singing a song when Sarah went HOME to be with Jesus. That song was one of PERFECT FREEDOM. But, what I wanted was PERFECT JOY.
This is a bit tough to talk about. But, I will because I have been told I MUST. I asked every day for an angrl, and for JOY. I left that typo in, because, it means something. I asked for an angel. Yet, I believe I was asking for a female to assist me. You see, I was so LOST. I had given up my friends when I moved. In fact, so had she and so had my husband. We gave up a lot that we loved. But, we knew it was required, and honored our King. I had one or two friends, but NOTHING like what I had before. One of them, we would later find, was working against us. Again, but God. I learned so much about compassion, mercy and forgiveness from Jesus in Sarah. I asked daily for this angel, and she resided in my home.
Time Travel
After the car crash, everything changes. I was thinking about another movie as well. This one is called, “P.S. I Love You.” It is about a woman whose husband dies. I remember i was watching it one day. It was shortly before Sarah entered into the Pearly gates. She could not watch the film. She actually got up and walked out. because, she knew, even then, what was soon to come.
These movies have a common ground. That common ground is LOVE. the common core component is just that. The kid, in the first film, lost his mom. The woman, in the second one, lost her spouse. Our LOSS is HIS gain. Yet, in the films, most of the time, the characters do NOT appreciate what they had. They spend so much time, either trying to move on, or dwell on what was. very rarely do you see healing taking place. Why is this? Because the characters are often looking to MAN to save them, they do NOT really GET free. Only JESUS can save us. Without HIM, we have NO REAL LOVE.
People will lie, scheme, plot, manipulate, and attempt to control, when under influence of evil. but, GOD has NO EVIL in HIM. I was in the ocean recently. I swam, laughed, giggled with glee, and thanked God for HIS clarity and healing. As did our kids, and my husband and MANY others that were enjoying the LOVE of heaven. We ALL basked in the glow of HIS Glory. Some received it, others ran from it. But, what i know is, those who did the evil attempts, did NOT succeed. His Love, as always conquered.
When you have been brow beaten, and picked on, and told you are nothing, it can be darn near impossible to receive good things. But God. here is a word from my dear sister Kathi Pelton. She truly LOVES the LORD and graciously receives and shares it with ALL who meet her. 🙂
Though you may have felt framed by the enemy for a life of confinement and closed prison doors, the Lord is about to change that!
I saw those who have been imprisoned and framed by the enemy being released from his prison and their sentence being overturned.The Lord has been behind the scenes working on an escape plan for your freedom and release. He has taken up your case in the courts of heaven and the ruling has come in your favor. Prison doors are about to open and you are about to move into a wide and open space that surrounds you with beauty and joy.
“Where you have felt surrounded by walls in a confined space, you are about to see the walls fall down and find yourself in a place with no walls. Your solitary confinement is ending! The walls of your confinement are disappearing and light, life, joy and fresh air are about to be enjoyed once again.
Then I saw a different kind of framing. God was framing a portrait of a couple and then of a family. The people in these portraits were full of joy and life. I knew that these portraits were prophetic pictures of His restoration of families, couples and relationships. They were all outdoor portraits in beautiful, open settings that spoke of the freedom and “breath of fresh air” that they were about to move into. In both portraits the sun was shining directly on the people. Light was upon their heads and upon their shoulders. This spoke to me of a light load for these ones to live in. The expressions of joy were tangible and full of delight.
A portrait represents a time to be remembered, a moment that has already been fulfilled and lived. God was framing these portraits as a promise that this will be fulfilled and lived, it has been secured in heaven and will be fulfilled on earth.”
I believe that Jesus united with the heavenly Father and Holy Spirit gifted this word to her. I pray it encourages YOU, as much as it did me. My spirit LEAPT for JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was thinking of how the movies that are mentioned here, are related. The LOSS greatly eventually brings great gain. In the first one, they have a daughter, but beforehand, have many miscarriages. We experienced this as well, both before and afterwards. There is also a wedding scene and in that scene, she marries a “time traveled” version, of her spouse. I love the wife’s compassion. She looks at her husband and says, “I know what it is like to wait for you. But, I do not know what it is like to BE you. I believe the MORE intimately connected we become with Jesus, the more WE feel this way. The second film, has letters that were supposedly sent by her spouse. Yet, they arrived through her mother. She does not find out, until she has to. We can relate here too. We have things left behind, like nick nacks, or notes, or drawings. Her artwork still arrives through us.
In both films, the leading female is artistic and creative. I am not intending to compare here. I have just always been interested in parallels. 🙂 I like that in our most intangible places, HIS LOVE provides a way to relate to others. I have been told, “You are too deep. No one will get you. I don’t have the ability to relate to you.” But, those things, while having a modicum of truth, are simply lies at the roots. Those trees must be cut down. They must be thrown in the wood chipper. Because until DEATH of flesh happens, we cannot filly receive HIS LOVE in its entirety. he desires to cause the good seeds to prosper. He desires orchards of holy fruit to sprout up. But, in order for THIS to happen, we must be willing to give up ALL need to make it go our way. FULL SURRENDER is absolutely necessary.
Some walk around believing they are not angry, hurt, bitter, or entitled. But, realistically, most of the population on earth, is influenced to some varying degree by these evils. I wonder if the actors and actresses in the films, know Jesus. I pray someday that they will. Not sure of the destiny that each has. But, Hollywood started from a good place, a GOD place. I believe it will return there.